martes, 27 de marzo de 2012

YLE Cambridge Young Learners English Test


Existen tres niveles en las pruebas de inglés para niños de Cambridge: Starters, Movers y Flyers, para niños en edades entre 7 y 12 años. Estas pruebas están diseñadas especialmente para que los niños aprendan de forma progresiva. En el nivel Starters, empiezan por aprender palabras y frases sencillas que van avanzando y ampliando a mayores niveles de lengua en Movers y Flyers.

Las pruebas de inglés para niños de Cambridge se basan en las destrezas lingúísticas: comprensión oral y escrita y expresión oral y escrita. Es un enfoque de aprendizaje práctico del inglés. Con las pruebas escritas y la prueba oral (todos los niños tienen una prueba oral a cargo de un examinador cualificado) se incentiva a los niños para que utilicen y hablen inglés durante las actividades de clase, adquiriendo más práctica, habilidad y confianza en inglés.

Inglés para todos:
Después de obtener el nivel de Flyers de Cambridge, los niños pueden prepararse para el KET (Key English Test) o el PET (Preliminary English Test). Los dos son certificados internacionales de inglés para jóvenes y adultos. Si se empieza desde niños y se trabajan los niveles con este sistema, se consigue una forma muy efectiva de progresar en inglés.

A continuación os dejamos información sobre la prueba inicial de Starters.


ABOUT YLE STARTERSYLE Starters exam is the first level of the Young Learners English Tests (Starters, Movers and Flyers) from Cambridge ESOL. It is for children between 7 and 9 years of age who have already had some English lessons in their kindergarten or school. This test is below A1 Level ofCommon European Framework of languages.
All Cambridge Young Learners English Tests (YLE) are carefully designed to be as enjoyable and stress-free as possible. Most children take them in their own schools, and the tests are based on activities which will be familiar to most children.
YLE Starters tests four language skills:
Paper 1 - Reading and Writing (20 minutes)Texts are short and constrained by a specified set of words and structures. Children perform simple operations such as selecting and ticking, writing words and phrases in gaps, or answering open-ended questions. Papers are sent to Cambridge ESOL for marking.
Paper 2 – Listening (20 minutes)
This is also a paper and pencil test. As with the Reading and Writing paper, texts are limited in the language assessed to what is specified in the test specifications. Children listen to short recorded dialogues involving both child and adult speakers, and perform simple operations such as drawing lines, selecting, matching and colouring. Papers are sent to Cambridge ESOL for marking.
Paper 3 – Speaking (5-10 minutes)
This is a face-to-face test with suitably qualified, experienced and trained Examiners. Children perform various activities in response to prompts from the examiner using visual prompts, and give simple information about themselves.
There is no pass or fail. Every child who attempts all three components will receive an Award showing a number of shields (Cambridge crests) up to five for each component. For example, a child may obtain three shields for Reading and Writing, four shields for Listening and five shields for Speaking. The minimum Award for children who have attempted all three components is an Award with one shield for each component.
Marking is completed at Cambridge ESOL within two weeks of receiving the children's completed answer booklets. So children should receive their Awards within one month of taking their test, allowing for despatch time.
Once awarded Cambridge ESOL YLE certificates are valid for life.

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